Saturday, March 28, 2020

Animal Experimentation Essays (784 words) - Animal Testing

Animal Experimentation Animal Experimentation ANIMAL RIGHTS-- The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was founded in England in 1824 to promote humane treatment of work animals, such as cattle and horses, and of household pets. Within a few decades similar organizations existed throughout Europe. An American society was founded in New York in 1866. Then after, these organizations were protesting the use of animals in laboratory experiments and the use of vivisection for teaching. Until the mid-1970s the focus on humane treatment of animals continued. After that period, animal rights activists enlarged their priorities, considerably. It is estimated that 70 million animals are used in research every year in the United States alone. The trained psychologist must reflect carefully on the limitations of making comparisons of animal and human behavior. Without analyses, animal studies may lead to faulty conclusions of animal and human behavior. A mental illness in a rat is different from that in a human. Just as researchers would rule out harmful experimentation on human subjects, they should stop experimentation that causes animal suffering. The American Psychological Association has established guidelines concerning the use of animals in psychological research. But for many animal protection activists, the APA guidelines are not enough. The misuse of research animals occurs despite organizational guidelines and protective legislation. Psychological researchers unnecessarily repeat many experiments on animals and that there is little evidence that any human benefits come from this work. Also, Psychologists and others involved in animal research make few efforts to find alternative means of gathering data. Why should we experiment on animals with products that are not important in medical research!? Pharmaceutical and other industrial labs will use animals to screen drugs, cosmetics, and other substances before selling them. Any new product or ingredient is usually tested on rats, mice, guinea pigs, dogs, or rabbits. The questionable substance may be applied to a small area of the animal's skin to determine the development of allergic responses after some applications. In the Draize test, which was developed in the 1940's, a substance is dropped into rabbits' eyes to check eye damage and how long it takes to recover. Rabbits are used because their eyes produce no tears, because blinking will wash away an irritant. This test has been used by cosmetics firms to test the eye irritability of shampoos and other products. Some psychologists believe that since psychology is the science of behavior, animal behavior is just as interesting and important as human behavior. But many experiments, like systematic brain surgery, for example, cannot be performed on human beings and must be done on animals if anything at all is to be learned. Animal behavior is simpler than human behavior. I believe that animal testing is wrong and should not be used unless the researcher can strongly prove that his/her evidence from the questionable experiment will help out in IMPORTANT research. If the researcher is found experimenting on animals, they should loose their licenses, fined, and thrown in jail! If their evidence would be helpful, and safe, then they can do their research. Another alternative is to ask humans to do the experiment. Many people wouldn't mind it. Not surprisingly, however, humans don't want to be guinea pigs and scientists have in the past had little choice but to use animals. If you want to develop drugs to treat human diseases, then the ideal subjects are, naturally enough, humans. No other animal shares all our biochemistry so we can never be sure that a drug that works on animals will work on us. That's why it's good news that more experiments can now be done using human tissue kept in culture rather than live animals. The opening of Europe's first human tissue bank, together with this week's announcement that a new company will test drugs without using any animals are welcome signs of the times. Unfortunately, the use of laboratory animals will not end soon. Human tissues are mainly being used to help basic research. Most laboratory animals are used in toxicology tests and it will be a long while before we can be sure that tests using human tissue are as (or more) reliable. It will be even longer before the whole testing principle can be

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Create a great resume in 10 minutes

Create a great resume in 10 minutes Do you want to learn how to create a great resume fast? Whether you’re starting from scratch or updating an existing document, creating a great resume does not have to take a lot of time. According to a recent LinkedIn article, it isn’t uncommon for individuals to spend anywhere from several hours to several weeks working on their resumes. Although this can be time well spent, especially if it results in the new job of your dreams, you may be surprised to hear that in just 10 minutes you can have a functional and effective resume that will get you noticed.Use the strategies presented here to get your resume in great shape- in no time.Set a goal.Try not to think of creating a resume as a â€Å"one and done† activity. Instead, imagine every job you apply for as an opportunity to craft a targeted resume that best showcases your experience, abilities, and potential value. This means setting a goal- which doesn’t need to take up a great deal of your time.Why is setting a goal important? Consider creating a resume as a journey, and the quickest way to complete any journey is to have a clearly defined endpoint, which helps you determine the most efficient path forward. Your resume’s goal is your â€Å"guiding light,† saving you time and keeping you on track along your resume-writing path.When you come across a job opening that interests you, you should be able to conjure up a goal in around a minute. Here’s an example: if you’re eager to apply to a job as a marketing manager at a tech company, you may decide that a good goal is â€Å"portray myself as an experienced leader with a track record of marketing success and technical knowhow.† That was easy enough, and now you can move forward.Nail the fundamentals.Once you have a goal, ask yourself the following questions as you craft your resume’s bullet points: â€Å"Does this help me achieve my overall goal?† â€Å"Is there a better way to phra se this to help me achieve my goal?† Before long, this questioning process will become second nature and happen almost instinctively, ultimately saving you from sweating endlessly over each point.Stick to the fundamentals- the key responsibilities you’ve held during each of your previous job positions- and you’ll be able to quickly put together a resume that achieves your goal. Your resume doesn’t have to include every single thing you’ve ever done in your professional life, just the major items that serve to meet your goal. Remember, you can always go into greater detail regarding your experience during interviews.Hit your high notes.Did you take the lead on a major cost-saving initiative at work? Are you responsible for closing a lucrative deal for a previous employer? Do you have a slew of professional promotions and accolades that you’re proud of? Make sure that all of your positive on-the-job accomplishments are included on your resume. These complimentary items- which will help you stand out from the job hunting crowd- are likely easy to recall, so you won’t need to spend too much time remembering them.Have a basic template.Having a core resume template is a fantastic time saving tool. This basic resume â€Å"skeleton† should include the core fundamentals and high notes for each position you’ve held and will comprise most of the resume work you’ll need to do; you’ll simply need to tweak your resume template for any given position, which shouldn’t take much time. Typically, these tweaks include adding industry-specific keywords, which will help your resume make it through automated screening applications, and any items specifically asked for in a particular ad. With a well-crafted template, creating targeted resumes should be quick!Save your time for the job hunt!These days, the average person is busier than ever before, and all of us are eager to make our daily responsibil ities as quick and easy as possible. Save time and energy creating a great resume by using the strategies listed here, and invest that extra time in your job hunt!